Before we went to rockridge i thought it was going to be different then Oakland but when we got there i look just the same but the streets are more quiet and it cleaner then Oakland.When we got to rockridge we went to eat at a pizza place the slice was big and had alot of crust the difference i seen between fruitvale and rockridge was that was that in Rockride they had more stores everywhere if you walk a block over there u see like 10 stores in one block the similarities that i seen over at Rockridge and Oakland was that they both had graffiti and small side walks. When we went to interview a lady in her store we seen a t-shirt that costs $138 and we were like whats it made out of but other then that the lady as nice we also had a conversation with her about was our project on what we had to do and we went t ask other people they kept on say yes but when we told them if we could video record them they said no or voice record them too so then we was kind of mad but we got the interviews that we had to get and we also saw in a jewlry store that a perl neckles cost $1,800 and we ask the owner what kind of gold do they use and where do they get it from